How one girl changed my life

So this is my first blog!!Let's get started.
It was 3 years back when I first proposed her and she agreed my first love, what a magical feeling that was thought I would do anything for this girl without knowing the consequences of it. Well I come from India and it's not as easy as it is anywhere else to convince your parents.

The starting few months were heavenly, roamed everywhere, went on long rides, bunked lot of classes it was all great till the honeymoon period as I call it got over.Then the fights started, we fought for the silliest things ever she had told me to end this but I loved her a lot couldn't just end it that way, I pushed it to the limits compromised , made her compromise , lost everything, made her loose everything, both madly love even though deep inside it was known that this wouldn't work but still continued it.

Then college got over time for work, let me tell you one thing she hated my friends and we fought everytime regarding this it was extreme that I stopped going out with my friends , declined everytime I was invited to hangout as she would fight, so life went on from endless fights to days of silence. But I knew I would ruin this by dragging for so long it wasn't good for both of us but we always do what the heart says not what the mind says , foolish heart !!

I do not know what the feeling is when she used to be with me I used to think of it as some unwanted pain which would swallow me like a black hole and when she's not there with me it's like a part of me is gone and would never come back to me again.No matter how much I write I can't express that madness we had for each other or I can't express how much she loved me, I always can not express how beautiful and terrible it was.

Words are not enough to express the pain that comes when she's not around the usual pillion rider or the food partner or the late night distractor, life just got adjusted to her but in her absence it's a big blow.

So 3 years of memories all come haunting if at all I could make it right then I would go back in time like Ashton Kutcher does in buttery effect and never fall into this ever. But life's not a movie we are responsible for our actions and we have to face all the consequences.
